Sunday, January 18, 2015

Being Fortunate & Finding Your Reality

Being Fortunate & Finding Your Reality

High up in the sky, not in control. Giving Mother Nature my life in whole. What can you do as a person when you are 32,000 feet off the ground? You put your Faith in God and fear not. You realize that in a blink of an eye, your life could be over.
Just as it is on ground level, your life is in your hands, but too often, we get familiar with every day practices and routines that we forget about how fortunate we are to be breathing, hearing, seeing, walking, and more. Therefore, worrying over the things we commonly do is unnecessary. Truly, what will worrying do other than create more stress and cause more tension in our lives with those who we interact with. If we considered how fortunate we are of EVERY thing, we'd be too grateful to even worry about the greatest of problems that in our worried minds, would cause a 'terrible' effect to our lives, reputation, salary, or future.
Our outlook on life is our own opinion. Deciding on what is right and what is wrong is also our own opinion to an extent. We, as American citizens believe that we know it all and can use our name as a way of living our life and as an answer to every problem. We see one percent of the world in our own world, therefore; we are seeing a mere .01% of the world beyond us. We make judgments off others prejudgments that have been passed down through generations over the years. We never make our own decisions based off our own knowledge because we have already been advised by media, government, and others on how to go about solving problems and reasoning. Additionally, we cannot always listen to our parents because they too, have been educated by a predecessor who was told what to do and how to do it. It is about time we begin thinking about what is right for not only our individual self, but the body of people in this world, not just our community or not just our country. To some people and to my family at times, I am considered as one who does not understand the setup that has been created for us or that I am unaware of how ‘dreamy’ my thoughts are and that I do not live in reality. But what is reality? What is the way of life for us all? Who is to determine such a question? The way of living is to be discovered by each individual who is brought into this world and our life is a journey that we are living in and growing in, in order to understand what OUR purpose was for this world and what difference we were to make.
I am waiting for something to happen, but I do not know what it will be. I am done living the way we have been told to live and that is..."You can be whoever you want to be, just keep chasing your dreams." Well anyone can say words to motivate you, but we say great things, but where are the great things? We talk the talk, but never walk the walk. We as a society have yet to realize that we are not living in the moment, but rather just riding along for the ride as a spectator. It is those who do not watch and those who are not satisfied that become the leaders of our world.

I myself make the mistake of saying so much and planning to accomplish the most, but then I fall short of some tasks. However, I have discovered that striving for the best and falling short sometimes is similar to wanting to learn new things by taking new courses and not receiving the highest grade. If you are learning new things or motivating yourself in any form or fashion, then you are growing. Striving for greatness is a sign of someone who is not satisfied and one who is not only determined, but passionate. And taking a course and not doing well is still not a waste of time if you can tell yourself something new that you took from the course. The world is constantly offering new hints, knowledge, and insight for us to access, but it is up to us to discover it, capture it, and store it in our minds. Find your reality. Find your passion. Accomplish your purpose.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 

Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident