Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Life Decision to Start Living

You Make The Decision

Too often we find ourselves saying “we will do it tomorrow”. Will we really do what we said we would do tomorrow? Will we remember what we said we would do? Will we even make it to tomorrow? If you can answer all of those questions, then you should pick the Powerball for all of us. What happens is that we get so caught up in the comfort of existing that we forget that a clock is ticking. Society acts as if they have an endless amount of time to do whatever it is that they dream of doing, but they clearly know that they do not have control and their time is short.
So, why do people wait if they know they do not have all the time in the world? The same reason as turning in a homework assignment minutes before it is due or telling a loved one before their death about everything you wish you could have done with them. Life catches up on us so fast when we wait that we may regret things we could have acted on. With that being said, look at your life and realize how perfect it is, even if you do not see it immediately. Stop seeking to discover the door that will take you to a better life. Stop searching and start loving what you have. This is the life you have and you are here right now, for an amazing reason. You have the option to enjoy it or you have the option to be miserable.
The only thing you have to guide you are your own eyes and the beliefs you hold. Nobody else knows what moves you, nor do they understand what you are going through. So decide what path you want to create, not the one you want to follow. Discover what motivates you deep down and listen closely to you heart. You will find out more about yourself and will uncover the dreams that you are destined for.
Ignore the pessimistic population. Be creative and let yourself go; let your mind travel. Do not be afraid to stand out. You may be standing in your own sunlight casting a shadow on yourself, hindering yourself from remarkable achievements. You are living this life as yourself, so do not conform to the world for their comfort and satisfaction because you will be the only one unhappy.
You have a number on you that is only decreasing as time goes by. It could be :01 second or it could be 100 years. Live the life in which you want to live and do not waste it living a life where you are not true to yourself or a life spent in someone else’s shoes. Live without dogma on your mind; the thoughts of others’ are only as important as you let them become. Only you have the power to define the life you live and the value it is worth. Be confident enough in yourself to follow your heart and your own knowledge.
We are living and that is amazing as it is. We have people on the moon. Everyone starts somewhere, and it starts right now with your vision and your decision; when will you start living instead of just existing? Life is on us and we are all taking our own route. We create the path we want, achieve the goals we want, live the life we want, love the people we want, and most importantly, we decide who we want to be – ourselves.

          -Austin McClain Baker