Monday, December 7, 2015

Experiences Hold Value, Materials Hold Dust

A Person Gives Life, Materials Give Perception
Growing up as a kid everything that was shiny, bright, or flashy attracted my eye. Regardless of the price, I wanted it. As kids, we did not care about quality, but rather quantity. As I grew up, the quality of items I wanted grew of more importance than the number of items I could fit in my closet. But there came a point, more recently, that I started to realize that I was seeking out things and not the experiences of life, memories, or learning knowledge that were only available if I shared them with someone else.
You can have everything you want; the money, the fame, the items, but if you do not have anyone to share it all with, then what is the purpose? We are chasing our own, individual dreams, and wealth and freedom are likely in everyone's plan, but are money and recognition all that are important to us? Obviously not, but clearly it is a first-spoken phrase of what the majority says when they are asked about the future they want. If materialistic competition was not an issue in society, people would begin to seek out knowledge, life experiences, and someone to share the journey with.
I have found myself focusing solely on the things. But, with all of those things, what does it all matter at the end of the day? Of course it all helps in our daily lives, but it does not make the person we are any better. We learn from people, we gain knowledge from learning, and we learn from the experiences of living. With all of that, we need people and we need someone to share it all with.
We wake up each day with a list of things to do and a goal in mind. After it is all completed, what is left? The evening news? Dinner? Life is bland without the people around us. Rather than seeking out the benefits and immediate gratification, the chance to share a moment with someone or make a person’s day better serves such a higher degree of happiness and worthwhileness. Furthermore, none of us can avoid a bad day for our entire lives. When those days come, having someone to be there for you is just what we need and vice-versa. And when it comes to learning, none of us want to do the same thing every day for our entire lives. Therefore, with every person we meet and every experience we have, we will learn, and then we will apply that learning to teach someone else. It is a cycle of life and we all play a role in the process. Finally, memories. Without people, how can we share the memories that make us love the life we live or remember the moments that shaped who we are today? Take a moment to think about how impactful people are in your life. For some, materials are the life they want and they are content with heaps of happiness. For others, people have brought them to new heights and given them the opportunity to start over, find their passion, and inspire them to keep going, or have played a role in their success story. The materials we attain do not make life worth living, but the people we share our memories with do.

        -Austin McClain Baker

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ma + turity = Maturity: The Equation to Putting it Together

(Ma-turity) * (Imma-turity) * (–turity): Putting YOU Together

We strive to be the best, but do things that the best do not do. Why? We are immature. We live the life that everyone else lives because that is what we see and that is what society conforms to. As a college student, I am still working to find myself and discover where I am headed in life. I do not want the bull____. I want the life that God has planned for me. I want the life that is real, not one copied from another person or one created behind a curtain. I’ll go through the ups-and-downs and I am completely fine with failing, as long as I learn and grow from my experiences.
You have a first name, most have a middle name, and you have a last name. What does it all mean to you? For me, I can be Austin, or Austin Baker, or Austin McClain Baker. Sometimes I do not represent myself well or I fail because I do not try and therefore, I am just Austin. But I strive to be Austin McClain Baker every day because why should I be here if I am not living to my full-potential? Give all you have every day and never for an instant, think about shorting the effort you give.
With all of the experiencing and all of the ups and downs, I have realized that life is too remarkable to worry about the failures; overlooking the beautiful sights life places in front of us. I have learned from many to value myself and value who I am because life is filled with people who will take you for granted, even if they do not mean wrong. Well, I have been given the advice, and now I am applying it.
I am growing tired of meeting the people who promise a promise, but only give you their back when they forget. I search for people who are motivated, passionate about life, family-oriented, and ready to step out of the immature phase. What is that immature phase: The constant idea that life is going to give you success, that you can party every day, that you can cheat life, and that you can just watch while the world is falling apart. We are at an age that the responsibility to act and live with maturity is imperative and expected. We are the leaders of the world and it is our turn to start taking initiative.
I am on a route to where, I do not know yet. But I have made changes to my mindset and it is clear to me that I have just a couple years left until I will either be working for myself or working for someone else. It is up to me to decide what I want and it is up to everyone else reading this whether or not they want to be their own leader or whether they want to follow the college degree path and let their resume choose it for them. Take initiative and make the decision for yourself. Do not let your degree or any person determine your value or your future.
Be the best you can be. Only you can measure that. Be your first, middle, and last name because you mean something. Be a person of maturity and not just –turity. Put it all together and represent yourself to the highest level nobody would ever expect. Live a life appreciating the people you encounter and the moments you share with them. There are going to be good times and there will be rough times, but you must stay driven and follow the arrow God has pointed out for you. You are never lost, only misguided by overusing your mind and not trusting The Lord. God will place people in your life to teach you what you do not know, and you will meet people to teach them what they do not know. You will see the picture unfold itself with time, just have Faith.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 
Instagram: @ABaker___  @DoYouInspiration

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Go Raw

Go Raw: A Natural Snack

Natural, organic food is something challenging for many people to grasp their minds on. Today, every package of food says no preservatives, low-fat, low-cholesterol, organic, or some other form of phrasing to imply that the product is healthy and worth the customer’s buy.

Well, to be honest just because a product has low-fat on it does not signify that you can eat five servings of it. But now something has been created to allow people to: eat, enjoy what they are eating, and to be happy with the choice they are making on what to eat.

Go Raw
Instagram: @DoYouInspiration
They have powered themselves behind the mission of being 100% Junk-Free. Rather than cooking food, Go Raw gently dries their sprouted organics to preserve nutrients.

The process is all about freshness!

If you are wondering about the product options available, I am here to tell you that you will not go hungry or grow tired of eating Go Raw products. The fact is that Go Raw serves over 40 products! From sprouted bars, to chocolate, to seeds, to granola, to coconut cookies... Go Raw has it all!

Now, you may want to know the benefit of eating organic products produced by Go Raw.

Here are the benefits Go Raw strives to create for you, your body, and your mind:

1. Increase energy
2. Weight loss
Instagram: @DoYouInspiration
3. Clearer skin
4. Mental Clarity
5. Better and Restful sleep
6. Overall healing

Whether you're looking for a quick snack, a handful of healthiness, a healthy dessert, or just something to eat, Go Raw has it all! Now, stop eating all the processed foods you've been purchasing and begin thinking about the benefits of eating healthy and organic.

Make the switch to Go Raw and you'll see why you'll never want to go back to processed snacks.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 

Twitter/Instagram: @DoYouInspiration

My Soxy Feet

My Soxy Feet: The Sock You Now Need

A sock is a sock, just as a shoe is a shoe. But we all can admit that we are picky and selective when it comes down to which shoes feel right. Today, the sock that we buy also has to have the ‘right feel’. And My Soxy Feet has taken the challenge with both feet by creating a sock that pleases any foot.

Known for their high quality and comfort, @MySoxyFeet has used a design to alleviate the "wet sock" problem that runners and action-goers face when training. In addition, sole cushion has been provided and a mesh-top allows for ventilation. Essentially, this sock has been created for comfort, durability, and guaranteed satisfaction. Included in your purchase of a pair of socks is a one-year warranty! What company does that...seriously...MY Soxy Feet.

Instagram: @DoYouInspiration

Buying a pair of socks has changed over the years because originally, the only options were white and black. Then, new colors evolved. From that came designs and tie-dye socks. And then pictures on socks. Well, My Soxy Feet has created a motivational saying on each sock with bright, eye-catching colors!

So, stop stumbling while trying to take off your damp, smelly socks and pick up a pair of MySoxyFeet socks!

Click the link below to order yours now!

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 

Twitter/Instagram: @DoYouInspiration

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It’s a Cover-Up

It’s a Cover-Up
            When we describe the world, Earth is our surrounding body. We are encircled by people, buildings, bodies of water, and space that no one has ever explored. We live a life on a human scale. When I say that, our problems are on a scale that we can relate to. When breaking that down into the view God has, our problems are on a scale of a garden with plants and flowers. When we come across an issue, we identify whether it is large or small and whether we should take flight or fight the problem. In God's view, our problems are comparable to plants that are growing. We can observe the process of a plant growing just as we can observe the process of an argument building up between two people. God created us to tend the Earth and be gardeners; pulling the small, destructive plants up before they can override us and become a larger issue. Why wait for harmful things to grow so big when they can just be conquered while they are small dilemmas. We must communicate and find a solution to small problems before they grow too big. It is as simple as speaking, acknowledging, and solving.

            God acknowledges that the greatest cover-ups are the ones that are planned in advance. God knew that there would be evil in this world and he planned ahead for the benefit of us. His plan was sending Jesus to cover our sins, guilt, and shame because He loves us and forgives us.

            God can only cover what you uncover. You must be able to admit your flaws, wrongdoings, and sins to yourself. Nobody in this world is perfect and we must acknowledge that we should not strive to be perfect because it will only bring upon more ill-reality. You must live a lifestyle uncovered. You must be able to admit your sins to God and be able to confess. You must be able to admit your sins to someone else that you committed a wrongdoing and let those around you love and pray for you.

  • Calls you.
  • Comes to you.
  • Covers you.
           We all sin, find ourselves in feelings of guilt and shame, but if we admit our wrongdoings and sins to God and those around us, we will be covered and forgiven.  God calls us to follow His message. He calls us in new directions to learn. He comes to us when we are in trouble. He comes to us to teach us that perfection is not achievable. He covers us when we sin, and when we pray for forgiveness. But, we must understand that like a relationship or marriage, the road travels two-ways and the effort put forth must be equally represented by both parties. Therefore, we must be able to admit to our sins if we expect God to forgive us. We must communicate with our friends on issues-at-hand before they become too destructive. Essentially, we must be open with ourselves, open with God, and open with those around us. We must accept our imperfections. We must not dwell on our mistakes. We must admit to our flaws and pray for direction and learning, so that we can continue to grow and live a life we love with the people we love.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 

Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident

Monday, June 1, 2015

Life is Unpredictable

Life is Unpredictable

            We live our lives every day, not knowing what is going to happen next. We live each second in the moment, riding along the roller-coaster of life as it takes us up and down. To an extent we have control over situations, but essentially, there are too many outside forces that control what happens to us. However, we do have the ability to control how we react to life's curveballs and the attitude that we emit to the world and public eye. 
            Because we do not know what will happen next in our lives, we sometimes get lucky, we sometimes fail, and we sometimes succeed beyond measures. We prepare ourselves for obstacles by practicing and learning. We grow through our failures if we make changes after making poor decisions. We fail to grow if we believe in making the same mistake again or fail to realize something was a poor decision. Growing means that you are experiencing and then learning from those moments.
            We are going to fail. We are going to make poor decisions. We are going to live a life that is not perfect. What we must understand is that God does not need us to be perfect because He knows that nobody is. The more we strive to be perfect, the more we will not be. The more you try to be something you are not, the farther off the path you stray. If we admit to our flaws and accept our imperfections, we are illustrating a sign of maturity. If we can admit that we have failed and acknowledge that we will continue to educate ourselves and devote ourselves to growing, we will grow. If we fail to announce our flaws, then we will stay in a hallucinated, unrealistic world of thinking we are perfect and never changing. 
            Life is full of surprises and full of conflict. We will find ourselves in good situations and we will find ourselves in tough situations. The question that needs to be answered is, 'how can you learn from this and how can you become a better person, while helping those around you become better as well'. The first step in any situation is identifying if it is good or bad. Then, you must take initiative and analyze how the situation happened. Next, you must determine how to make the situation better. Finally, you must be able to tell yourself that the situation happened, and you must continue to live as the person you truly are, but know that changes need to be made to become a better person. We are always coming into new situations, new experiences, and new how can we not learn then? You will always learn if you are living. What separates those that learn more than others is that those who learn experience more, fail more, and live more, and are open to changing who they are for the benefit of not just themselves, but for the people around them. Those who are willing to change for someone are the ones you want to be with because they are illustrating their love and commitment, showing you that they will give up themselves and their lifestyle to meet you halfway.
            Life is unpredictable and we have to respect that. We are on a journey that will have both high and low moments, but we must realize that just because we may be in a low moment does not mean that life is worthless. I say this because a couple hours ago, life could have been at its highest for you, and a couple hours later, it could be at its lowest for you. But, does that low moment take all the good moments away...No, it does not. You cannot let one situation determine the end result for you or the direction in life you take. 
            If you truly want something in life you will not let a situation take that away from you. Life does not end for you when you make a mistake, so why give up on life? God gives you another day. God gives you another chance. God gives you your character and the person you are in strength, so that you can withstand the pain life has, but overcome the obstacles thrown at you if you care enough to do so.
            Nothing in life is what we expect, and life is unpredictable, but you must understand that it is all a test; A test to help you discover what and who you care about, the degree to which you care, and how devoted you are to learning, growing, and sharing the world with those who you care about.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 
Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident

Friday, May 29, 2015

Wake-Up & Be Thankful

Wake-Up & Be Thankful
"If the world does not know truly, then they cannot judge you"
            When you wake up every morning, you start your day as you would the day before. You run through the daily routine and motions. You check your phone, take a shower, eat, and head off to school or work. You spend your day completing tasks and thinking about whatever chooses to pop up into your mind. After your day, you relax and take a shower, watch TV, read, talk to your friends and family, and then head to sleep reflecting on your day, if even that. 
            The questions we must ask ourselves is whether or not the life we are living is worthy and do we realize how little time we have left to live. People will take each day for granted and take it as "just another day to live and do the same things on repeat". 
            People will tell you that you need to be more careful, need to do this and that, and live your life like this and not that...but do they know? Do they know the right answer and the direction that you should take with your life. Of course listening to your elders and those older than you is a sign of maturity because they have been there and done that. Those older than us can provide beneficial information that can help us to avoid making the mistakes that others were blinded from. However, you must address for yourself the true answers of this world. Just because a professor, adult, President, or anyone else states that you are wrong or that something in this world is supposed to be a certain way or anything of that nature, does not mean that you are wrong. Over generations information is regurgitated from one person down to the next and so on. We are being told how to live life based on the minds of those in years' past, not in today's world looking onto the future.
            Going back on the idea of the repeated process of each day, we do not realize what our lives are really about because we could be living the same day over and over again, but perceiving it as a 'yesterday', or a 'tomorrow', or a 'last year'. We invent time and when we close our eyes and fall asleep, the control is no longer in our hands. Therefore, I look at the future as something I do not know could be coming. I also view life as something we should live one day at a time and that you should not fear nor regret because each day will pass. The storm that was happening is soon to be passing, with the sun shining and breaking through the clouds.
            I look at the world around me as an open canvas that is waiting to be painted on. I can take up the entire canvas, a portion of it, or none of it. I can paint multiple stories, some big, some small. I truly do have "the whole wide world in my hands"...Pre-school must have taught me something right. 
            I look at the life around me and take great appreciation in what is available and what God has allowed me to do with my five senses. It is remarkable that there is a such thing called Earth, and then we have people and freedom. We have the ability to learn and keep information in a thing called a brain. We can make sounds travel out of our mouths to communicate with other people. We interact with animals. The world is truly amazing and it is illustrative of the idea that only God knows because the world is too great for us to comprehend. We use what we know from others to link new information and life together to bring upon new conclusions and theories.
            Essentially, if we do not know the world and what it is all about, then nobody else can tell you that you are not doing your life right. Furthermore, if you have goals, ideas, or thoughts you want to tell people, stop fretting over the idea that you may be mocked, judged, or abandoned. Go for the greatest goal you have. Chase after the person you love. Give your success back to the world. Love who you are. Realize how fortunate you are in every single way.

Remember, just living already makes you one-of-a-kind.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 
Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident