Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It’s a Cover-Up

It’s a Cover-Up
            When we describe the world, Earth is our surrounding body. We are encircled by people, buildings, bodies of water, and space that no one has ever explored. We live a life on a human scale. When I say that, our problems are on a scale that we can relate to. When breaking that down into the view God has, our problems are on a scale of a garden with plants and flowers. When we come across an issue, we identify whether it is large or small and whether we should take flight or fight the problem. In God's view, our problems are comparable to plants that are growing. We can observe the process of a plant growing just as we can observe the process of an argument building up between two people. God created us to tend the Earth and be gardeners; pulling the small, destructive plants up before they can override us and become a larger issue. Why wait for harmful things to grow so big when they can just be conquered while they are small dilemmas. We must communicate and find a solution to small problems before they grow too big. It is as simple as speaking, acknowledging, and solving.

            God acknowledges that the greatest cover-ups are the ones that are planned in advance. God knew that there would be evil in this world and he planned ahead for the benefit of us. His plan was sending Jesus to cover our sins, guilt, and shame because He loves us and forgives us.

            God can only cover what you uncover. You must be able to admit your flaws, wrongdoings, and sins to yourself. Nobody in this world is perfect and we must acknowledge that we should not strive to be perfect because it will only bring upon more ill-reality. You must live a lifestyle uncovered. You must be able to admit your sins to God and be able to confess. You must be able to admit your sins to someone else that you committed a wrongdoing and let those around you love and pray for you.

  • Calls you.
  • Comes to you.
  • Covers you.
           We all sin, find ourselves in feelings of guilt and shame, but if we admit our wrongdoings and sins to God and those around us, we will be covered and forgiven.  God calls us to follow His message. He calls us in new directions to learn. He comes to us when we are in trouble. He comes to us to teach us that perfection is not achievable. He covers us when we sin, and when we pray for forgiveness. But, we must understand that like a relationship or marriage, the road travels two-ways and the effort put forth must be equally represented by both parties. Therefore, we must be able to admit to our sins if we expect God to forgive us. We must communicate with our friends on issues-at-hand before they become too destructive. Essentially, we must be open with ourselves, open with God, and open with those around us. We must accept our imperfections. We must not dwell on our mistakes. We must admit to our flaws and pray for direction and learning, so that we can continue to grow and live a life we love with the people we love.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 

Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident



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