Friday, May 29, 2015

Wake-Up & Be Thankful

Wake-Up & Be Thankful
"If the world does not know truly, then they cannot judge you"
            When you wake up every morning, you start your day as you would the day before. You run through the daily routine and motions. You check your phone, take a shower, eat, and head off to school or work. You spend your day completing tasks and thinking about whatever chooses to pop up into your mind. After your day, you relax and take a shower, watch TV, read, talk to your friends and family, and then head to sleep reflecting on your day, if even that. 
            The questions we must ask ourselves is whether or not the life we are living is worthy and do we realize how little time we have left to live. People will take each day for granted and take it as "just another day to live and do the same things on repeat". 
            People will tell you that you need to be more careful, need to do this and that, and live your life like this and not that...but do they know? Do they know the right answer and the direction that you should take with your life. Of course listening to your elders and those older than you is a sign of maturity because they have been there and done that. Those older than us can provide beneficial information that can help us to avoid making the mistakes that others were blinded from. However, you must address for yourself the true answers of this world. Just because a professor, adult, President, or anyone else states that you are wrong or that something in this world is supposed to be a certain way or anything of that nature, does not mean that you are wrong. Over generations information is regurgitated from one person down to the next and so on. We are being told how to live life based on the minds of those in years' past, not in today's world looking onto the future.
            Going back on the idea of the repeated process of each day, we do not realize what our lives are really about because we could be living the same day over and over again, but perceiving it as a 'yesterday', or a 'tomorrow', or a 'last year'. We invent time and when we close our eyes and fall asleep, the control is no longer in our hands. Therefore, I look at the future as something I do not know could be coming. I also view life as something we should live one day at a time and that you should not fear nor regret because each day will pass. The storm that was happening is soon to be passing, with the sun shining and breaking through the clouds.
            I look at the world around me as an open canvas that is waiting to be painted on. I can take up the entire canvas, a portion of it, or none of it. I can paint multiple stories, some big, some small. I truly do have "the whole wide world in my hands"...Pre-school must have taught me something right. 
            I look at the life around me and take great appreciation in what is available and what God has allowed me to do with my five senses. It is remarkable that there is a such thing called Earth, and then we have people and freedom. We have the ability to learn and keep information in a thing called a brain. We can make sounds travel out of our mouths to communicate with other people. We interact with animals. The world is truly amazing and it is illustrative of the idea that only God knows because the world is too great for us to comprehend. We use what we know from others to link new information and life together to bring upon new conclusions and theories.
            Essentially, if we do not know the world and what it is all about, then nobody else can tell you that you are not doing your life right. Furthermore, if you have goals, ideas, or thoughts you want to tell people, stop fretting over the idea that you may be mocked, judged, or abandoned. Go for the greatest goal you have. Chase after the person you love. Give your success back to the world. Love who you are. Realize how fortunate you are in every single way.

Remember, just living already makes you one-of-a-kind.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 
Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident


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