Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wind: Its Meaning on Life

Wind: Its Meaning on Life

A movement of air, that we cannot necessarily see, but something we can feel. Our perception is that wind can be a force of air that causes the movement of things, such as trees. We perceive that wind will blow our light items, such as newspaper and trash down the road. We see wind as the thing that causes the paper we dropped on the ground to blow away. We see wind as the catalyst for cold air in our face during the winter. We see wind as what moves so many things. 
But have we ever pondered what wind could be in terms of a cause for a reaction that could lead us in a new direction or down a new path that directs us to the destiny God has for us? Those who are against change see it as a detrimental effect. Those who are for change still are questioning whether it will bring a better or worse outcome. We must understand that "If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone." (John Maxwell) and "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living" (Gail Sheehy). Over the years of our lives, we will run into situations where we must adapt, change how we act, and commit to new things. We will change, and we are changing...every single second.
If the wind is God's hand pushing us in a new direction, we have a choice to buckle down and stay back or we can go with the wind and follow the path God has for us. We all want to explore the world, so why not travel with the wind, and if you want to travel it with someone you love, ask them to see the world with you.
I always perceived wind as something that ruined the day. It blew dirt in my eyes on the baseball field. It made the great day on the beach turn into a sweatshirt day. It made trees fall down in storms. There were such a vast number of effects that the wind contributed to in a conflicting manner that I never appreciated the benefits that it stirred up for the world.
Those benefits are not the ones that we can see from the start, but rather the finish. If it was not for the wind, would I have turned my head in the opposite direction to avoid the sand blowing in my eyes to see the sunset that made me realize how fortunate I was to see? For the wind took me away from many old situations and took me upon itself on a journey to a new place. Riding in the car with the windows down on a summer day is a feeling we can all enjoy. If it was not for the wind would I have traveled a few more feet down the beach to find the mysterious shell that we place meaning in. The wind pushes us to keep going. The wind is a motivational force that wants us to succeed. So, when you say the world is against you, realize that the wind is behind you (or in front of you) pushing you to keep working towards your ultimate goals.
The wind has impacted me in a way that I am grateful for. When I feel that there is nothing else to look forward to, I can trust in God's hands that He and the symbol of the wind are moving me in the right direction. On days wind is not present, I think to myself that the wind is helping someone out who needs it more than me.
I have complete trust that where I have started, where I have gone, where I am, where I am going, and where I will end up has and will be impacted by the wind in some form and fashion. Even in the past year I have found myself with new thoughts, with new surroundings, and new dreams. Right now, I have an amazing surrounding of people by my side, a family that loves me, and friends that believe in me. I have an amazing girlfriend and I am thankful for her family, and their farm animals that make me realize that the chance I took to follow the wind has made me not only happier, but motivated to learn, grow, and experience with someone who I can do anything and be myself with.
I continue to praise God in the work He has done for this world and I am constantly realizing how lucky I am to be where I am, while discovering that there is so much more that I will be learning. The wind truly does have an impact in our lives other than the force it has on material objects and God's hands are always waiting to catch us if we are misguided by the wind, to turn us in the right direction.

-Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker 
Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident


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