Sunday, September 28, 2014

Taking A Chance

Taking A Chance

            Something we always try to do is win. We see everything as a competition because in reality, everything is a competition. We are being tested through everything we do, everything we act on, and every decision we make. However, when it comes to relationships and finding someone we want to be with, people choose to make the competition between one another. When things go wrong, each partner wants to ‘play hard to get’ and they each want to make the other jealous. Our world thrives off jealousy. If you ask someone what they are most self-conscious about, many will say their appearance or what others think of them. Therefore, when one partner in a relationship plays hard to get, the other will want that partner even more. Another thing; people want to take time off and want to wait and see where things go. The average person will want to wait and see if they like a person and then come back to them. With trust and knowing that you are attracted to someone both physically and emotionally, why wait? If you like someone, don’t play the ‘game’ of playing hard to get or trying to make the other partner feel jealous because you are talking to other people. The goal is not to win a relationship. Striving to win a relationship is the same as striving to get A’s, but not striving to learn a single thing in school. The goal of a relationship is beyond the label of a relationship status.
            It is something difficult to grasp, but what makes us so attracted to someone? There are so many people in this world and so many people that would be open to a relationship with us, but we choose one. We choose the one that makes us happy. The one that makes us feel like we are headed in the right direction. The one that will do anything for us, at whatever time. When we meet someone we like, we know it. When we have a number of people interested in us and we turn them away without hesitation, we know at that very moment we have someone special. And sometimes the perfect relationship we thought we had turns to rubbish, but other times it turns into gold. We are in a world where we must learn. We are in a world where we must take chances and risk everything for one thing. We are in a world where our lives will be perfect one second and at rock bottom the next. There is no holding back for me and there is nothing I will give up on when I am motivated. In this world, there is too much competition to sit back and wait for everything to come to you. The average will wait for what comes to them. Waiting is not wrong, but patience has a limit. You cannot wait forever because then your time runs out. I believe in chasing what is on your mind. If you cannot go a day without thinking about someone, that person matters to you.
            I will never know what is right or what is wrong unless I try. Unless I try, I will never learn. Unless I mess up, I will never grow. If I never grow, I will never move forward. If I never move forward, I will always be average. If I am average, I will never be a leader. If I am not a leader, I will never be successful. If I am never successful, I will never make an impact in this world. If I never make an impact in this world, I will have failed.
            When the time is right, go for it. When the time is wrong, figure out when the time will be right. People will not always understand your reasoning and intentions, but your goal is to teach them why. Through your words you must explain to them. Through your actions you must prove to them. Show someone why you care about them and if they do not see it, keep trying. If they still cannot see how much you care, go forth with your life and let them choose the direction in which they want to go. Life is too short to be dwelled on. Wake up each day giving thanks to The Lord and wake up every morning with the intentions of helping the people around you. The Lord has a plan for us all and every second is a learning second. We are living the life which we are learning and there is never a second that goes by when The Lord is not with us. Have Faith that it will all work out.

 -Austin McClain Baker

Austin Baker

Twitter/Instagram: @ABakerPresident




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